Your new business needs a bookkeeper. Here’s why.

If you’re starting a business, you are an expert in your field. But unless your startup is a bookkeeping or accounting firm, that expertise is probably not finances. Even though the financial aspect of your business is just one of many things to consider when starting a business, it can be the difference between a […]

12 Reasons Your Business is Losing Money and How We Can Help

In his article “12 Signs Your Business is Hemorrhaging Money and How to Stop the Bleeding” , John Rampton lists 12 ways your business could be losing money. Here are the 12 Signs and how Sheffield Bookkeeping can help. 1. You’re not tracking your expenses. Don’t feel too embarrassed about this. There are more businesses than […]

What is a bookkeeper?

Merriam-Webster dictionary refers to a bookkeeper as a person who records the accounts or transactions of a business. While the simple definition above is true, a knowledgeable bookkeeper with significant business experience can assist business owners in major as well as day to day financial decisions which could influence a companies’ future in real and positive ways. […]

10 Bookkeeping Basics You Can’t Ignore

Millions of small business owners and startup entrepreneurs are masters at creating great products and services, building awesome teams and winning over customers. Many of them, however, would probably flunk basic bookkeeping. But if you – the business owner – don’t understand the different types of “accounts” your bookkeeper uses to organize your finances, measuring […]