How to Grow Your Business with Referral Groups

Are you ready to take business networking to the next level? Then try a business referral group. Business referral groups, also called business referral networks or leads clubs, are networking organizations with a difference: They’re all about giving and getting referrals. For business owners who want to get fast results, a business referral group can […]

10 Bookkeeping Basics You Can’t Ignore

Millions of small business owners and startup entrepreneurs are masters at creating great products and services, building awesome teams and winning over customers. Many of them, however, would probably flunk basic bookkeeping. But if you – the business owner – don’t understand the different types of “accounts” your bookkeeper uses to organize your finances, measuring […]

First Steps in Opening a New Business in Texas

Deciding to open a business is a thrilling prospect and, for those who have done their research, a good decision. If you haven’t thought seriously about the pros and cons of opening a business we suggest you take some time and check out our previous blog post titled “Considering Opening your Own Business?“. After you […]

17 Small Business Statistics You Need to Be Well Aware Of

If you own a small business—or are thinking about starting one—you’re in excellent company: there are 28.8 million small businesses in the United States, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, and they have 56.8 million employees. Small businesses (defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees) account for 99.7% of all business in the […]

How Important Are Small Businesses to Local Economies?

While small businesses may not generate as much money as large corporations, they are a critical component of and major contributor to the strength of local economies. Small businesses present new employment opportunities and serve as the building blocks of the United States’ largest corporations. Contributions A small business is defined as a business (corporation, […]