Effective Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Keeping the doors of your small business opens can depend upon your ability to market to potential clients. With a plethora of options open to you, it can be overwhelming and difficult to decide which marketing tools to use. Email marketing has been a mainstay strategy throughout the technological era. In 1978, Gary Thuerk of […]

What is a bookkeeper?

Merriam-Webster dictionary refers to a bookkeeper as a person who records the accounts or transactions of a business. While the simple definition above is true, a knowledgeable bookkeeper with significant business experience can assist business owners in major as well as day to day financial decisions which could influence a companies’ future in real and positive ways. […]

10 Bookkeeping Basics You Can’t Ignore

Millions of small business owners and startup entrepreneurs are masters at creating great products and services, building awesome teams and winning over customers. Many of them, however, would probably flunk basic bookkeeping. But if you – the business owner – don’t understand the different types of “accounts” your bookkeeper uses to organize your finances, measuring […]

First Steps in Opening a New Business in Texas

Deciding to open a business is a thrilling prospect and, for those who have done their research, a good decision. If you haven’t thought seriously about the pros and cons of opening a business we suggest you take some time and check out our previous blog post titled “Considering Opening your Own Business?“. After you […]