Make The Most of Your Marketing in 2019

Whether we’ve accepted it or not, 2019 is quickly approaching. It is imperative that small business owners stay up to date with new trends in order to remain competitive in their markets. Here are 5 Marketing Trends forecast for 2019 by Forbes contributor and CEO of Influence & Co., John Hall with some helpful notes from Sheffield Bookkeeping:

1. “People are putting more trust in others they know and reputable content, not ads.”

Although they are still used often, ads are becoming less reliable as a means to generate leads as they are often blocked or ignored. Referrals from people you know and trust, online reviews from real people, official sites, and editorial sites are all more viable when it comes to generating new customers.

2. “Creativity, not conformity, will set successful marketers apart.”

While the online community floods people with generic ads, creative marketing is what can make you stand out from the crowd. Why not consider an array of marketing strategies at once? Printed publications, email marketing, social media presence, blogs, videos, search engine optimization- they can all be valuable to your business and a mad marketing machine when used together.

3. “Winners won’t be concerned with internal barriers.”

Effective marketing is an interdepartmental task that requires time and effort from everyone in the company. The good news is… everyone benefits! The goal of everyone in your company should be to determine ways to grow and move forward. Time to stop making excuses!

4. “Understanding how your customers communicate is vital.”

Just as with any successful business, the key to maintaining and growing is knowing your customer base. With technology in the forefront, picking up the phone to dial someone may not be the best strategy anymore. Take advantage of acquiring information about your customers and their preferred methods of communication. Some people hate to answer the phone. Others receive 1,000 emails a day which leaves your marketing email no room to be seen. If you’re not sure, just ask! Or consider adding this to your intake process so that you can evaluate the way that your customers prefer to communicate.

5. “Helpfulness and authenticity will combat relationships lost through tech and automation.”

No one, and I mean no one, likes to become a number! I once encountered individuals who were paying in to a health insurance program that would go out of its way to have a nurse contact their chronically ill patients on a regular basis to have a friendly chat and check in. This service was invaluable to them. They felt cared for and appreciated. The same goes for your customers. It doesn’t always cost a lot of money to show your customers that you appreciate them. If it’s hard to make the time or finances work, then at least work on developing/maintaining relationships with your longtime and loyal customers.


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